Excerpt from "Future Artisan Theory Guide" by H.S. Dlamini
Artisans are those technically skilled people who are well trained to use their skills to create or do things for example: making furniture (carpenter), build houses, make jewellery or clock and watch mechanisms. In short they are hands on extremely talented individuals who can use their hands to physically do the work and thereby turn one man’s vision or design into a real object.
Before the commencement of the Industrial Revolution, that is prior to the use of machines in factories, artisans were dominant producers of products- particular in France, Italy and England. Hence the word ‘Artisan” is actually derived from French. Thus, it is very interesting career with rich, proud history and tradition. Consider this carefully- what was more important – designing the Eiffel Tower in Paris or constructing it (actually building it) correctly according to the design? If you choose one point of view – your answer would only be partially correct! The fact of the matter is that both are equally important! Therefore you must realize that as an artisan you will take credit and must be proud of the work that is done in as much as the architect or engineer designed it.
Currently, well developed countries and developing countries take artisanship as the economic backbone since this is the area where the majority of the labour force is employed. This simple means that successful countries take artisanship very seriously and see it a practical way of reducing unemployment and increase household earnings since very little development will actually take if people were not skilled to use their hands to turn plans to reality. Hence developing countries like Brazil, India and South Africa promote artisanship and skill development programmes by providing for learnerships all over the country in order to produce more artisans (sometimes known as the tradesman)- a properly trained labour force for various fields. We will further discuss this in the modules that follow.
1.2 Symptoms
Often, signs appear at an early age to indicate an individual’s interest and aptitude towards artisanship. Think back when you were younger – it is possible that you liked to fix things such as radios, made a wire car or copied and made drawings of real pictures or photographs. Perhaps when an elderly fixed cars- you were inquisitive and never far away- you observed, passed spanners or tools to them and asked some questions about the engine parts and various tools. Perhaps- when the light bulb at home needed to be changed you leapt to the opportunity or when builders were busy at home you observed and sometimes try to assist lay a brick or two. With those few minutes or days of experience you end up developing the interest in a specific field and realized you wanted to be a hands-on-person.
As you were growing up at home, you may found that there were certain things that your parents trusted you to safely complete at home with little supervision from your father or whoever may have been available at that particular instant. The task was reserved for you particularly since you showed them that you can be trusted with it previously. These individuals may have actually observed your talent in a particular field without you having realized it.
Whilst the environment you grew up may have allowed you to demonstrate signs of interest in a particular field, this may not always be the case. It is not unusual to get an opportunity to be exposed to the artisanship later in life. In fact a large percentage, by virtue of the fact that they are unemployed, seek out prospects and training to become productive citizens- thereby increasing their quality of life and their children’s life chances. That is why most of the time symptoms are determined by incidental personal circumstances, experiences and exposure. It could be at an early age or later but the time is not important. What is most important is that when the symptom is identified that you act on it- seek training to enhance your skills and try to become the best artisan in your skill so that potential employers will look for you.
1.3 Potential
This refers to the latent qualities (useful talents and abilities that are hidden within you) that will lead you to success at later stage. All of us are unique with special talent- remember a musician has a talent, a driver has a talent and so do you. You just have to realize where your talent (potential) lies and in most instances your potential is dependent and determined by the symptoms.
There are people who are naturally proactive and inquisitive in life. For instance – if there was a burst water pipe at home – a person would be concerned of paying high water bill and organize a qualified artisan to repair the leak. It could be that whilst the repairs are being done, that the home owner may try to safely assist the plumber with his permission and then you may realize that you may have ability to conduct such repairs on your own in future.
Furthermore, if there was no water at home – you would question the possible causes of problem. When there is no electricity in the area – you interrogate the causes of the power failure and the electricity produced and conducted to our homes. These questions assist determining your potential of wanting to understand more about artisanship.
By way of simple example – when you were exposed and consumed your first ever ice block (isiqeda) did you consider enquiring about the formulation of the rock hard piece of ice with a sweet taste. However, when you stood in the line and bought this solid piece – you suddenly considered the income the seller was earning and realize you could do the same. Suddenly your focus changed – you enquire about the ingredients and sweet taste as well as the process that leads to its formulation. Now you are a person with potential – similar to artisan. As we mentioned previously under symptoms – you need to be proactive when given a chance towards artisanship. Provide genuine assistance where help is needed – for example, if someone’s vehicle breaks down – safely provide hands on assistance and demonstrate that you are willing to learn and achieve your aim of artisanship. You should not be afraid or shy to ask questions and remember that there are no stupid questions. In fact, the stupid question is the one you don’t ask!
Finally, even if you are given a chance to demonstrate your potential towards artisanship – never forget – “safety first”. This simply means work safe at ALL TIMES because artisanship is the heart of the engineering and production so at no stage may you compromise your safety, safety of your colleagues. You should demonstrate the responsible and safe use of machinery as well as concern for environment.
1.4 Challenges
All occupations (jobs) have challenges and problems. Engineering provides with an opportunity to convert problems to challenges by providing solutions to all aspects of our lives. Remember that you cannot be an artisan overnight there is no short to become an artisan. Becoming an artisan is not dependent on a once off event such as writing a test – but it rather a process since it depends on the completion of many tasks. Therefore you need to realize that you are required to be patient and persevere.
A further challenge lies is the reason you want to become an artisan. Are you becoming an artisan because of the experience you obtained previously or do you want to be an artisan because you realized you are a hands – on - person? Are you living a dream of some other individual and being forced to become an artisan because they gave you an ultimatum? Fulfilling someone else’s dream may lead to frustration. You must be happy and proud with the choice you made in order to learn.
Another challenge that could present itself is access to artisanship. Physically, external environment and social factors can be major challenges. The minimum entrance requirement, the economy at a specific time or even the state of your health may impact on your particular choice of trade. These factors may compel you to take decisions that do not favour you – in other words you would be compelled to change your choice and you may end up doing something which is totally different from what you were expecting or hoping to do. What matters most is that as an artisan you will be trained to handle such a situation professionally. Your approach to the dealing with such a trying situation should be calm and composed. This is not a rigid career but it demands that you be proactive whilst you search for a solution. An example of a possible solution would be perhaps that you started out as a Fitter but later, due to unforeseen circumstances or challenges you change your career and end up being a Fitter and Turner. You may be frustrated or unwillingly but because of the personal challenges that you face during a particular period of time – this may be the only appropriate solution. A good artisan is always ready to face challenge and never quits when faced with adversity.
Be aware that not all artisans face unfortunate challenges or solutions that force them to change their jobs – as mentioned it depends on your personal, individual circumstances. In the unfortunate event that you must however, remember that all you need to do is – focus, work smart and consistently. You will be amazed at how the technical knowledge you achieve will offer you solutions to your challenges.
Another challenge is to differentiate between individual performance and team work. Not everyone is capable of working alone or in a team. However when becoming an artisan, it is imperative that you realize that some moments will require that you work alone whilst others may require that you work collaboratively in a team.
Team work implies that you can work well with others. You should understand the hallmarks of good team- cooperation, respect, tolerance towards diversity (differences) – their views, religion, culture, language or race and can take or give orders. The TEAM itself spells: Together Everyone Achieve More. Although you may possess individual brilliance or the personal physical ability to do something in a team, there is a little space for individual. Some careers require you to have those qualities of being a team player by positively contributing towards a particular challenge. It is imperative that when technical discussions take place that you share your knowledge, cooperate with other members and communicate respectfully with other colleagues. Your approach should be humble and your language impeccable.
Individual brilliance is also vital especially if you want to be a successful artisan. You must know your personal or technical ability – after all becoming a successful artisan is about improving your personal ability. At the end of the day is about what you can do. As such you must expect that when you are to be interviewed for a potential job opportunity – particular in the manufacturing or technical industries - that they will focus on your personal ability. Indeed, your personal technical abilities will enhance your skill level and make you attractive to numerous different companies.
Thus it is imperative that you understand yourself and your potential because when you are faced with a challenge it will be much easier to technically overcome it without any unnecessary tension or discord. All in all – understand the reasons why you want to be an artisan. This will assist you along the way when challenges arise and it will be much easier for you to overcome them since you will be motivated to succeed.
1.5 The Need
At this point in time – the need for the artisans cannot be overstated. Consequently – people who are hands on are needed for speeding up production in our processing and manufacturing industries and they also play a crucial role by offering technical support. There are various stages which determine the need, the approval of inventions and the creation of objects. Let us look at the following:
1. Scientist
2. Engineers
3. Designers
4. Technicians
5. Manufacturers
6. Artisans
Scientists are mainly responsible for researching and discovering new things. Their aim is to improve and make our life style much easier by observing the world around us. Once they determine or establish the need and demands of a particular community, they search for solution. Scientists communicate and discuss their concerns thoroughly amongst themselves before they disclose or take it to the engineers, they are driven by the present period of time but they are obsessed with sustainable living and discovering for future.
Engineers receive information discovered by the scientists and translate them into structural design sketches or drawings. They consider all aspects related to efficiency and make decisions on the particular project with regards to safety, stability, functionality and effectiveness. They always aware of the latest technology. There are different types of engineers such as Mechanical engineers, Chemical engineers, Civil engineers, Maintenance engineers, Electrical engineers, etc. The differences will be discussed further the chapters that follow. However once their responsibilities have been completed and approved, they transfer it to the designers.
Designers complete a blue print of the project by following the engineers’ specification and instructions, in short, they complete a draught sketch that shows the exact dimensions (measurement – length, width, and height, etc.) of each piece of the project.
Technicians complete and finalize the paper work related to the project – including the dimension, structure and shape. Thus technical are at the final stage of the paperwork that began with a scientist, and proceeded to engineer and designer. They thus conclude all the paperwork before it is handed over to the manufacturer for production.
Manufacturers responsible for the stage where the actual process of production (making a designed product) begins. During the manufacturing process there are steps that need to be taken before, during and after manufacturing process namely:
First off – this stage requires that you check the first item processed against the authorized drawing and ensure that it is according to the approved specifications.
Last off – once the entire process of manufacturing has been completed and the product is ready for the consumers or customers, the last item produced must also be checked against the authorized drawing and specifications. This ensures that the entire batch of production (made) are identical in all aspects.
Pilot study – refers to the testing of the completed product in a real life situation. Pilot studies are not always carried out and are based on necessity. Engineers sometimes make a prototype (one actual sample as a trial product) for a pilot study or simulation before a product actually goes to into a mass production. Much depends on the nature of a product,
Apart from these steps being extremely important for quality control, they allow the producers to make a small adjustment to the production process before mass production begins and this could save company thousands of rands.
Artisans – will be required to fulfill during the manufacturing process is to maintain all machineries that is used during the various production processes. They ensure that all the moving parts of the various mechanism are working to their optimum. For this very important reason, artisans are also known as catalysts – they stimulate and facilitate production because of their technical involvement on the production line.
By way of practical example: consider a company which produces a certain liquid, gas or solid product. When there is a sudden breakdown of one of the machines – the artisan is called to repair the machine. You are the mechanic with technical knowledge hence your primary duty is to attend as quickly and efficiently to the machine in order to make sure that minimal time and money is lost due to the breakdown. The company is still liable for the salaries of personnel whilst the machines are being repaired and no work is been done – hence production must resume with negligible disruption and progress as smoothly as planned.