Library Reading Drive

Multi-Marketing has partnered with multiple local municipal libraries in order to bring to the local community and schools in the area a quarterly programme called the Library Reading Drive!
The 45-60 min programme takes place once every quarter at select municipal libraries on a Saturday and is an inspiring and interactive session with school students, introducing them to successful individuals who began their journey’s to success through reading as well as educate them on the amenities that can be accessed at their local library to their academic advantage.
Schools opt to participate via email reach-outs or contacting Multi-Marketing to gain more information on the next available date and location – which is a local library in the area that Multi-Marketing is affiliated with. Schools then arrange for their selected group of students to be transported from their school to the library on the Saturday morning in time for the programme which will include:
- A Library Tour upon entry assembly where the Head Librarian will educate the students on the various facilities and amenities offered by the particular Library
- The Head Librarian educates children on the Library and how to apply and use their Library Card
- An inspiring talk by Multi-Marketing and/or one of their successful published authors/entrepreneurs, showcasing in real-time the importance of reading for success
- Interactive Q & A Session between the students and the speakers/librarians
- Small flea-market afterwards where students and/or teachers may purchase books on display by Multi-Marketing for themselves or their school libraries (bulk discounts by negotiation)
Footage of the presenters at these events are recorded for reference and larger outreach via Multi-Marketing’s YouTube Channel.
For more information or to participate, contact Multi-Marketing on, or call or WhatsApp 079 715 5645 or 079 656 1814.