Who started Multi-Marketing And Why?


The Founder & Director of Multi-Marketing, Naushad Khan, started the publishing wing of his umbrella company after having published his debut book after 8 long years of struggling to get published. Naushad was in the library from the age of 5 and was inspired to write his own stories from his imagination after getting hooked on reading books. He cites Herge (The Adventures of TinTin series); Roald Dahl (Matilda); and Dr. Seuss (The Cat In The Hat) as some of his early inspirations to write.

As he matured, so too did his writing and his passion never died. At the age of 17, during the December vacation period ahead of his senior year in high school, he wrote the story called “Race Champ”. He initially wrote it as one full story, but after realising its enormous length, he decided to break it up into three parts, essentially creating a trilogy.

After completing his high-schooling career, he started working and set out on what would turn out to be an 8 year-long journey to get his book published. As the book was hand-written, his first objective was to get it typed-out and after 2 years of working, managed to afford his first smartphone - a Samsung Galaxy S5, upon which he typed out the first part of his story – “Race Champ – Part I: The Oval Tar”.

He then went from pillar to post for the next few years, from publisher to publisher, getting rejected left, right and center, but never gave up hope. At one point, he recalls being almost scammed twice as well as being strung along by 2 different publishers with no end in sight and even encountering a publisher who wanted to change his entire story and his envisioned cover design, but he refused to let his vision be overtaken by another entity.

He held a full-time job, a few part-time gigs, a side hustle freelance (where he was self-taught on creating websites and logos) and even selling cookies on the side to save up for publishing and finally got his book published after 8 years of hustle and grind, pushing and never giving up on his goal. His launch took place at his old primary school where he used to spend his free periods writing stories on any scrap pieces of paper he could get his hands on.

After being featured in the newspaper following his successful launch, he was approached by other authors who aspired to be published, requesting his assistance. Using his astute business acumen, he established the publishing wing of his company, Multi-Marketing Publishing and through this division, he has assisted over 60 authors and has published, marketed and distributed over 40 titles to date of this article being uploaded, with many more in the pipeline as of this writing.

Naushad is very hands-on with writers at a ground level and works with them on publishing their books from start to finish, holding their hand and guiding them on every step of the way and keeping them updated all along the way of publishing. Having gone through the struggle himself and knowing what authors go through from a creative to a business standpoint and knowing how hard he worked to get his book published, he believes in being upfront and straightforward and never leads authors astray. Multi-Marketing Publishing covers every single step of the publishing process, so you know you are in a one-stop shop and capable hands, without worry or concern.